David Abitbol appeared at Day 3 of his bail hearing Friday and told the Quebec Court judge he would be willing to see a psychiatrist and give up his guns and his computer if he could have his freedom.

Abitbol, charged with uttering death threats online, various weapons offences and possession of child pornography, explained that the alleged death threats were actually innocent conversations between friends online.

"We don't really think about what we're saying," Abitbol told the court.

When Abitbol was asked at what point he decided he might need to see a psychiatrist, he replied, "When the prosecutor read out what I actually wrote."

Criminologist says Abitbol not dangerous

A criminologist from the Pinel Institute examined Abitbol and testified that he didn't consider the 28-year-old to be dangerous.

He said Abitbol was simply trying to act tough for his friends and that he showed no symptoms of someone who is mentally ill, in spite of prior testimony that Abitbol had guns so he could protect himself from elves he thought were stalking him.

The criminologist also testified that Abitbol is still woken up by his parents for work and has his room cleaned by them.

"Mr. Abitbol shows the characteristics of someone who is much more immature than dangerous," said Abitbol's lawyer Alex Benmuyan.

Crown pushing for no bail

The Crown disagrees and is pushing to have Abitbol's bail denied.

"If that person would be released on bail, that's the Crown's position at this point, the public would probably think the judicial system lacks regularity," said prosecutor Steeve Lariviere.

Police say Abitbol was making death threats online aimed at his former elementary and high school teachers and that a friend who read the comments notified them.

A SWAT team raided the house on Gouin Blvd. East in the middle of the night on Oct. 1 and seized five firearms and several hundred rounds of ammunition. An examination of Abitbol's computer later turned up about 250 naked pictures of pre-teen girls, according to police.

The judge is expected to render his decision on bail on Tuesday, and Abitbol will remain in custody until then.