Montreal - A Montreal family was shocked to show up at their son's daycare Thursday night to find the building locked, and their son was nowhere to be found.

The boy's father called police, who showed up and broke into the building only to find the 2-year-old had been left alone, and was unharmed.

The parents showed up to get their son at 6:30 p.m., half an hour after the daycare centre's 6 p.m. closing time.

The daycare, Les Amis d'Enfance, is a new private, $25-a-day facility located on Beaubien St. east of Langelier Blvd. that's been open since June. Parents who arrived Friday morning to drop off their children were shocked to learn of the incident, saying the woman who runs the centre was exceptionally friendly.

''She always took care of the kids, she's receiving us, she opens the door and we discuss often, so I'm really surprised about this,'' said one father. 

The president of a The Quebec Private Daycare Association, which does not count Les Amis d'Enfance among its members, said locking a child in for the night is clearly unacceptable.

"I put myself in the place of the parents," said Jean-Francois Belleau. "I'm shocked."

CTV News made multiple attempts to track down the owner of the daycare.

She was not at work, but when our crew arrived at her home, people there said she was at work.

The owner has not answered any of several phone numbers that CTV obtained.

Police have started an investigation and have yet to make any recommendations concerning possible criminal charges.

"Obviously it's something that is taken very seriously," said police spokesperson Anie Lemieux. "I mean, a 2-year-old was left alone in a day care."