MONTREAL -- Flambo, the Saint-Pierre Labernese puppy that the Habs adopted last year, will stop training to become a service animal after medical tests discovered issues in his elbow.

"When we chose to become a foster family for a Mira dog, our greatest desire was that Flambo would someday be a guide dog or service dog to a beneficiary," said Canadiens VP of community engagement Genevieve Paquette. "Flambo's mission will take a new turn as he will act as a Mira Foundation ambassador within the Canadiens organization."

The Canadiens teamed up with the Mira Foundation in December 2018 to foster the nine-week-old puppy and train the dog for a year in hopes that he would eventually become a guide dog or service animal for a person living with a disability.

Flambo returned to Mira in September to undergo tests to determine, which program would best suit the animal. The tests confirmed that he possessed all the essential skills to become a service dog for people with reduced mobility.Then, the day before his first birthday Thursday, Oct. 3, X-rays and medical exams found he suffered from elbow dysplasia, a hereditary degenerative disorder that develops in growing dogs.

The Mira Foundation decided it would be best to offer Flambo a family life rather than enrolling him in extensive training that would have been difficult with the dog's disability.

Flambo will attend Canadiens games and Mira Foundation community and fundraising events this year.