A new survey released on Father’s Day shows that many Quebec men find it hard to reconcile their family and work lives.

The study, conducted by Workopolis for the Paternity Enhancement Group, showed 71 per cent of working fathers feel guilty when work commitments take precedence over those of their home.

If they had a choice, 56 per cent of respondents said they would accept a 10 per cent wage cut to spend 10 per cent more time at home.

Half of working fathers would be willing to change jobs if an employer offered them better work-life balance options.

The survey also showed that Quebec fathers are increasingly present in their children’s lives, spending double the amount of time with their kids as dads from 30-years-ago.

In cases of separated couples, the number who share custody now stands at 20 per cent and custody belonging solely to fathers is at 14 per cent. Almost 25 per cent of single-parent families is currently headed by a male.