Police are hoping witnesses will come forward after a woman in her 50s was assaulted while jogging in the Mont-St-Bruno provincial park on Friday afternoon.

“The victim was jogging at the park… when a man hassled her with violence before fleeing.” Explained Longueuil police spokesperson Marie Beauvais-Lavoie.

Beauvais-Lavoie described the attacker as a man in his 50s who stands around 5’10 and 180 lbs. with brown and grey hair and speaks French. He was wearing dark blue sweat pants, a blue shirt, sneakers and wore a fanny pack.

While the woman was hospitalized for serious injuries and was released on Sunday.

Police have released a computer sketch of the suspect and are hoping someone may recognize him. He is wanted for attempted murder.

Longueuil resident Micheline Bouchard said she believes she saw him.

“He was sitting, doing nothing, watching people pass. It was weird,” she said. “I had a funny feeling,”

Bouchard said she goes walking in the park there for two hours three times a week, and has never felt unsafe before.

“It’s the first time I had a feeling like that when I saw someone,” she said.

Police are hoping people like Bouchard come forward to help piece together what happened and find the attacker.

“We’re asking the population that if someone saw something suspicious or recognize the photo,” to contact them at 450-463-7211.

Beauvais-Lavoie had some advice for those spending time in isolated areas.

“We suggest is you go to an isolated place, have a cell phone with you to contact emergency services,”  she said, adding that it’s always preferable to not be alone.