As Hurricane Dorian continues to barrel toward the United States as a dangerous Category 4 storm, a South Shore woman and her sisters are desperately trying to find out about her parents in the Bahamas.

Greenfield Park resident Kristin Dudley's mother and father were at their second home on Treasure Cay in a part of the Bahamas called the Abaco Islands when the storm struck as a Category 5 storm.

"We weren't really hearing anything," said Dudley, who is desperately trying to reach her parents. "We were seeing videos of Marsh Harbour and the devastation. I mean things were completely gone, just water and destruction."

Sharyn Laughlin and Denis Dudley are both doctors based in Ottawa, who are in their 70s and were on vacation with another couple from Ottawa.

The family tried to arrange for the couple to leave before the storm hit, but the airports closed sooner than the family thought they would.

"They were prepared for the storm. We have a generator that can last up to a month. They had food, they had water, everything was set," said Kirsten.

Kristin spoke to them around 5 a.m. Sunday, and spoke to them until around 10:30 a.m. when the phone lines went out.

Kirstin contacted her parents again around 4:30 p.m. on her mother's cell phone when she saw on a message board that the couple's home was in the eye of the storm.

"My mom was like, 'so the storm's past, we're done,' and I'm like, 'no! You're in the centre of it," said Kristin.

As the rest of the storm swept in, the phone lines went out, and Kirstin said the couple retreated to the top floor of the partially destroyed home.

"The main floor was underwater," she said. "The ocean had come in, all the windows and doors had been blown in."

Added to the daughter's worry is the fact that her father is a diabetic and may not have access to his medication.

"From what we understand, they don't have a lot of supplies because they weren't prepared to go up into that area of the house," said Kirstin.

The Bahamian tourism ministry has confirmed at least one person has died in the Abaco Islands from the storm.

There are at least 220 Canadians currently in the Bahamas.

The Dudley family has started a Gofundme page for hurricane relief in the Abacos, and is constantly monitoring message boards for news about her parents. 

There is a Facebook page specifically for Treasure Cay.

Kirstin and her sisters did not sleep last night and remains stressed not knowing the fate of her parents.

"Fear," she said. "There's the second part of the storm, which tends to be worse than the first part. Not knowing what's going on, and what's happening."