Montreal police are questioning a man in connection with an attempted murder in Pointe Claire Sunday afternoon.

A woman in her 40's was stabbed around 2:15 p.m. at 251 Stillview Ave.

Peter Ascoli called 911 when he heard screaming coming from the house.

"I just saw a woman came running out, she screamed 'call 911!' then she collapsed on the lawn, and I called 911 as soon as I heard that," said Ascoli.

But before police arrived, a firetruck drove down the street, going towards its station near Lakeshore General Hospital.

Neighbours flagged down the truck, and while some firefighters started helping the woman, others grabbed axes and prevented the man, who was also bleeding from several knife cuts, from leaving the house.

"The man came up to the patio door and the firefighters told him to stay inside and not to move," said Michel Gareau of the fire department. "They were actually trying to defend themselves. They took care of the woman who had mutliple lacerations and very shortly after, they say like three minutes later, police came and secured the house."

The man and woman were taken to hospital and treated for their injuries.

As of Sunday evening, police say the woman is in critical condition and may die.

The man has been taken into custody and is being interrogated by police.

The couple's three children, aged four to seven, were inside the house at the time.

Neshat Khorsandi babysat the children last week. She says the father seemed quite angry at the time.

"The dad didn't know I was there so he was about to hit one of the kids, because he thought he was home alone, and the kid was like 'there's a babysitter here' and he's like 'oh'," said Khorsandi.

Neigbours say they have heard the couple arguing several times.

"I heard them screaming a few times late at night, just on and and off for the past two months," said Mark D'Entremont.

The children are now in the care of police.