The trial for a man accused of involvement in a European bomb plot began Monday at the Montreal Court House.

Said Namouh has been held in jail since his arrest in Maskinonge in September 2007. He was considered a flight risk.

He is charged with four terrorism-related counts:

  • Conspiracy
  • Involvement with a terrorist group
  • Facilitating terrorist activities
  • Extortion to help a terrorist group

The crown told the court Namouh was the moderator of a website called Global Islamic Media Front. They have a multitude of transcripts from the website of conversations Namouh participated in, including some conversations that allegedly include details about the use of explosives.

The lawyer for Namouh, Rene Duval, told reporters outside the courtroom that his argument will hinge on the right to freedom of speech.

The Moroccan native immigrated to Quebec in 2003.