Many Canadians are just about ready to tell the Tories to jump in a lake over this summit mess. Hold on. I know just the lake. The fake lake. The lake that the government is building to make foreign journalists write nice things about us. How naive. Do they really think things work that way?

I can just see the correspondent from the Times of London waxing poetic about the Canadian wilderness because we built a tacky lake with big screens, a fake dock and canoes. The call of the wild indeed. At least there will be no black flies or mosquitoes. And I'm sure they will be giving away Timbits to enrich the Canadian experience. The lake, the cost of security, gazebos built in the middle of nowhere. Spending money like drunken sailors, with apologies to sailors.

Everything about this summit is making us a laughing stock. The Harper government which preaches restraint should be taken to a rustic Canadian woodshed for this boondoggle. Talk about sleeping with the enemy.

Liberals and NDP not meant to be together

Well they aren't there yet, but the Liberals and NDP are doing some serious flirting. They haven't rounded the bases yet, but looks like they've gotten into second with a slide. Joining forces with the NDP would be a mistake of historic proportions for the Liberal party of Canada.

The Liberals have always been successful when they occupy the centre of the political spectrum. That's where most Canadians happen to live. That's why the NDP will never be more than a bit player and the Tories will always struggle to win a majority.

The NDP has never renounced socialism, which as Margaret Thatcher said, "The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

The party of Laurier and Trudeau should not even think twice about this insane idea.

Unless they want to give the Tories the keys to a majority.

Quebec needs bilingual children

And the smartest thing I heard this week comes from the leader of the ADQ. Who would have thunk? Gerard Deltell says all Quebec children should have a bilingual education.

They should switch at Grade 6 to be taught in the other language. The Liberals are afraid of their own shadows on this one. And the PQ…well here is what Madame Marois said this week on choice for parents in education: "It is not acceptable to send this message, that it is possible to have free choice."

Parents don't want choice Madame? They don't want what's best for their kids

They don't want to open their eyes to the world? I'm not sure most parents Francophone or Anglophone or any phone like being told what to do. I like choice. We all do. And we all have the choice not to vote for Madame Marois or anyone else who would want to deny it.