The minister responsible for language law said Thursday she was disappointed and outraged by the Supreme Court of Canada's ruling on Bill 104.

The ruling, which re-opened a loophole allowing immigrant students to attend English public school after spending a year in the English private system, is exactly what the language minister is fighting against.

"Immigrants to Quebec should send their kids at the French school. That is what we want," said Minister Christine St. Pierre.

The court has given the province one more year to re-write the law to better reflect the students' needs.

Premier Jean Charest told the National Assembly their reaction will clearly indicate that French comes foremost in the province.

"So how do we continue to do that and not hamper our ability to integrate new Quebecers into a French language life, if you will?" said Justice Minister Kathleen Weil.

Pauline Marois said one way is to apply Bill 101 to all schools in Quebec

"(I want) the imposition of Bill 101... to the private schools which do not receive subsidies," said Marois.