A parking lot near a West Island train station is a crime scene Monday following the murder of a 29-year-old man.

Passersby spotted the unconscious and severely injured man at 9:30 p.m. Sunday in the parking lot on Beaurepaire Dr. near Woodland Ave. in Beaconsfield, near the Beaurepaire train station.

The man was rushed to hospital where doctors were unable to save his life.

When police were notified of his death the major crimes unit was dispatched to the scene and the police perimeter was expanded.

Initial reports indicated the man had been badly beaten, but Monday morning police confirmed that the victim had been shot.

Officers spent the night searching for clues into the death, the 23rd homicide of the year on the island.

In the morning the canine squad was dispatched to the parking lot.

"The crime scene is being processed by the crime scene investigators and the technicians,"  said Const. Daniel Lacoursiere. "The canine unit that was on the scene; they're going around with the dogs to see if they are able to find any evidence that may have been thrown, or that are laying in the bushes nearby where the man was found."

Police have not released his identity, but said he is known to police.

"The man is known as a street gang member and also he's known in the world of drug trafficking," said Lacoursiere.

Nearby residents said though Beaconsfield is a peaceful suburban city, they're not surprised by the violent attack.

"There are lots of kids in the West Island involved (with) easy come, easy go money, of course," said Suzanna Engel.

"It's a bit unsettling to know that it's going on, but none of us are naive enough to think that these things can't go on in your own quiet community," said Claire McLeod.