A Sunday morning outing has turned tragic.

A 44-year-old woman struck by a car in a St-Laurent shopping mall parking lot has died of her injuries.

Around 11:30 a.m. Sunday police received word that a five-year-old boy and his 44-year-old mother were both struck by a car in the parking lot of Village Montpellier, a shopping mall at the corner of Cote-Vertu and Montepellier.

The child, who is hospitalized, remained in critical condition on Monday.

"What we have so far as information is that the driver of the vehicle was parked on the side, waiting for someone inside the mall -- and for an unknown reason, the vehicle started to go forward. At that moment, that's when he struck the two pedestrians," said Jean-Pierre Brabant, spokesperson for the Montreal Police. 

The driver of the car, a 90-year-old male, was not injured or taken to hospital. 

SPVM investigators were dispatched to the scene to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident, and will pull video from surveillance cameras to establish clearer details about the incident. 

The SAAQ said that nine out of every 1,000 drivers over the age of 90 is involved in collisions that result in injury - which is about one-third the rate of the most collision-prone group on the road. There are, however, far fewer drivers this age on the road.

At age 75 every driver must undergo a medical exam, and undergo a vision test at age 75, age 80, and every two years thereafter.