More than 1,000 athletes participated in the 4th edition of the Groupe Copley World Triathlon Montreal on Friday and Saturday, in Montreal’s Old Port.

A crowd of 15,000 people came to support the athletes participating in 16 different categories.

The world’s top triathletes took to the starting line for the fifth time this year. The 2019 ITU WorldTriathlon Series has nine rounds, culminating with the Grand Final in Lausanne in September.

William Falco said he's proud to be completing his first triathlon, which includes 750 meters of swimming, 20 km of cycling and five km of running.

“Being able to set a challenge for yourself, setting your goal, setting your mind at it and overcoming your own limits, that’s what drives me”, he said.

“Trying to set a good example for my kids, do it for them, see their father working hard achieving goals and trying to teach them to work hard trough that.”

Before thinking of his next triathlon, he said he needs to enjoy this one and recover first.

The Paratriathlon took place for the first time in Montreal on Friday, presenting the world’s top paratriathletes. It was the third event of the World Paratriathlon Series in2019 and the first race to offer qualification points for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.

The World Triathlon Groupe Copley’s mission is to develop a triathlon legacy in Eastern Canada by hosting an annual international sports event over the next years. The goal is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle to current and upcoming triathletes and making the sport more accessible to all.