MONTREAL - Three thousand city employees will spend the next five days pushing, blowing, and hauling away the 20 centimetres of snow that fell on Montreal Wednesday.

The first task is to finish pushing snow away from main arteries, and to post special no-parking signs so night workers can start removing the drifts.

But people who are shovelling out cars and walkways say that at least this snow is light powder which is easy to toss.

The exception is people who parked their cars on main streets, only to see them nearly buried by plows.

"When I parked yesterday at around 6 o'clock that was clean, there was nothing here and I could park," one man told CTV's Rob Lurie.

"But during the night they did some work and this morning I have a very big job to do."

Over the next five days the city will spend $20 million to remove the snow.

It's also asking drivers to respect no-parking signs or else their vehicles will be towed.

Anyone whose car is hauled away can contact Info-Remorquage.

Meanwhile the city is encouraging drivers to use 2,382 parking spots located around the city, which are free from 6 p.m. until 7 a.m.