The brief reprieve from flooding in the Richelieu Valley is over.

After a week of receding water levels, government officials are now anticipating that the flood waters will once again rise to levels seen on May 6.

Several days of rain have raised the water levels in the still-flooded Richelieu Valley and on Lake Champlain. said Yvan Leroux, regional director for Quebec's Public Security Ministry.

"There was a 36 cm drop at St. Jean sur Richelieu," said Leroux, but by Monday afternoon water levels had already crept up 8 cm.

"There is a 10 to 20 cm increase expected by tomorrow. "

The rain that fell over southern Quebec this past weekend was not very hard, but measurements indicate the rainfall was heavier over Lake Champlain -- and the only direction for the water to drain is to the north.

Overall "230 mm of rain has fallen since April 14, which is double the normal average for this time of year," said Leroux.

Help is available

Leroux was not able to say if homes that so far have been untouched by floods will be affected, but he cautioned people already battling high water to remain vigilant.

"Soldiers are still in the area, ready to fill sandbags if needed," said Leroux.

Homeowners near Lake Champlain and the Richelieu river are disappointed with the news, because for many, it extends the amount of time before they can return home and start cleaning up.

Mario Lavallee and his family have been living in a hotel since they were forced to evacuate their home.

They're now anticipating it will be another four weeks before being able to go home.

Lavallee says that is particularly hard on his three-year-old son.

"It's not his room, and it's not his house. He's got nowhere to go play outside, and it's hard," said Lavallee.

"We are doing our best to maintain hope, but it's difficult."

Government, Red Cross helping flood victims

The Red Cross is helping defray costs for people who have to stay in hotels, but the government has already starting issuing cheques for people whose homes were damaged by the floods.

"More than 1,000 people have already received cheques. We will have a blitz to reach everyone," said Leroux.

Leroux said that anyone finds they are overwhelmed or needs help can call the Info-Sante line, 811, at any time for immediate assistance.