MONTREAL -- Quebec provincial police are investigating after two orderlies at a private care residence in Joliette were recently dismissed after they didn’t follow hygiene protocols and coughed and laughed in the presence of an elderly patient.

One of the orderlies, who was dismissed from the Marie-Clothilde private care residence, has tested positive for COVID-19, a public relations consultant for the residence has confirmed.

A 98-year-old resident there has also tested positive for the virus. The elderly woman is asymptomatic and doing well, said PR consultant Jean-Maurice Duddin.

Duddin said the orderlies did not comply with health regulations, but were well aware of the COVID-19 protocols and had been warned about them by their supervisor.

The incident was first reported by 98.5FM radio journalist Marie-Laurence Delainey, who said the women are 19 and 20 years old, and were not wearing their protective masks or glasses. The report also said police went to their homes to give them a quarantine order, because one of them has COVID-19.

The owner of the residence, Luc Bergeron, made the initial police complaint, said Duddin.