As Montreal endures a heat wave, people in the city are figuring out how to adapt to the 35-degree temperatures. 

One of their biggest challenges? Sleeping at night. 

"It's just not possible," Jahantab Faiz said. "Last night was the hardest night of my life. The first thing in the morning, I had to go out and buy a fan."

She wasn't the only one. 

"You sweat and then you have to take a cold shower at night, and that's really bad," said Nizar Belhassan. 

Several pools around the city have temporarily increased their hours to acommodate the scores of people needing to cool off. 

But some Montrealers are embracing the record temperatures. 

"I love the heat and I love this weather," said Emilia Maiello, who was in a Montreal park. "It's a little hot in my apartment, but I'll take it over the cold winters."

Others are using it as an excuse to go to terraces to cool off. 

"We go to the pub, have a few pints," said Tony Petrozza. "We come [to the park], enjoy the mist."

The heat wave is expected to last until Thursday.