Police say there are marks of violence on the bodies of two young children found in a home in Piedmont on Sunday.

Their father, Dr. Guy Turcotte, is at Sacre Coeur hospital, recovering from an apparent overdose. He was found in the home with the children.

By mid-day Monday, Police had not spoken to Dr. Turcotte as the doctors had not yet given them permission.

Police alerted

Police were alerted by concerned family members when they had not heard from the children's father on Sunday evening.

The children's mother was skiing in the Charlevoix region when the children were discovered.

Family history

The mayor of Piedmont, Clement Cardin, said Dr. Turcotte had been renting the home for about four weeks, and the children visited on weekends.

Cardin said they were new to the area and not well known.

The owner of the home renting to Dr. Turcotte had no comment.

By early afternoon on Monday, two teddy bears had been left at the house, one with a card for Olivier and Anne-Sophie.