Montreal mayoral candidate Denis Coderre is beefing up his economic team with the announcement of who would be his right-hand man should he win the mayor’s chair come Nov. 3.

The candidate is Pierre Desrochers, a businessman with 30 years’ experience in the oil industry, who will run in the Ahunstic-Cartierville borough.

“It’s a mix of experience and new blood,” said Coderre, as he announced the candidate at a news conference Wednesday.

To date, critics have said one of Denis Coderre's problems has been that he appears weak on the economy.

Desrochers would be Coderre's right-hand man, who is not only an oil-industry veteran, but is also the president of the Montreal East Chamber of Commerce and served as president of the Board of Directors for the Maisonneuve Rosemont Hospital and Foundation.

“He's the man for the job because not only has he been working with the community, he's got experience in crisis management” said Coderre. “He can work with the unions and he's an amazing number two.”

It's a move aimed at Marcel Cote, generally seen as the candidate to beat when it comes to business. As a counterpunch, Cote also introduced two new candidates Wednesday.

“It’s new blood,” said Cote. “They’re people that want to change the way this city is managed, and people that want to give more to their own district.”

Cote may have upset some members in his own party, by cutting down the role of Louise Harel, explained political analyst Robert Libman.
“I think he's got more regrouping to do than Denis Coderre. Coderre made a strong appointment today and I think it's going to serve him well,” he said.

Desrochers won't yet say what specifically his plans are with Team Coderre.

“There are a lot of expectations; there are a lot of things to be done, and I'm ready to do it,” he said.