A zoning change made at Montreal City Council Wednesday evening should ensure that the Meadowbrook Golf Course will not be built upon.

"I think you know that it's a great investment to project our planet," said Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre.

Cote St. Luc had already zoned to bar development on its portion of the site but Montreal made the same commitment for the land in its Lachine borough last night.

The Friends of Meadowbrook group, which has long fought development on the space, was jubilant.

“To hear the mayor and Mr. Copeman state so clearly that basically come hell or high water we are going to keep it green is very, very, good news,” said Campbell Stuart, an activist with the group.

The announcement does not settle all possible conflicts, however, as some want the golf course to remain on the site but the Friends of Meadowbrook group wants it all turned into a park. No transformation is planned.

“We want a park and we will continue to work for a park,” said Stuart.

The municipalities involved will sacrifice considerable potential tax revenues by the rezoning and meanwhile would-be developer Groupe Pacific is seeking $44 million in compensation from the city for the building ban.

Cote St. Luc has already been sued for $20 million in a separate suit launched by a different potential developer in a case that remains before the courts.