About 400 people who favour preserving the Meadowbrook Golf Course as a green space created a noisy protest at Montreal city hall Monday night urging the city to re-zone the greenspace.

After 20 years of debate, Montreal's executive committee was supposed to provide an official response on the controversial golf course at a city council meeting Monday night.

That did not happen.

Instead, this Thursday councillors will examine a report made by the Executive Council.

In addition, the city has decided to call the proposed Meadowbrook development a "mega project," which will ensure more discusion and public consultations.

Part of land designated green

The west-end golf club sits on 57 hectares of land. The eastern portion of the land in Cote St. Luc is designated as green space, while the western part in Lachine is zoned for development.

A company called Groupe Pacific bought the land for $3 million in 2007, with a plan to build a 1500-unit condo project.

Last June, an environmental commission recommended changing the re-zoning the entire course to protect the land from development.

Environmentalists and area residents who are against the proposed project want the city to buy the land and protect it.

"In all of the southwestern greater Montreal region, the only place worth protecting that is easy to naturalize is Meadowbrook," said Patrick Asch from Friends of Meadowbrook.