NEW DELHI - Canada continued its unbeaten streak in synchronized swimming at the Commonwealth Games when Marie-Pier Boudreau-Gagnon won the solo competition, then teamed with Chloe Isaac to win the duet.

Canada has never lost a synchro swim competition at the Commonwealth Games, winning 13 gold medals in 13 events across six games back to 1986.

Jenna Randall of England took silver in the solo and Lauren Smith of Scotland the bronze.

Randall and Olivia Allison won silver for England in the duet while Eloise Amberer and Sara Bombell of Australia took the bronze.

"It's my last chance to get a gold medal (before retirement), so I am really happy that I did well," Boudreau-Gagnon, who had 95.334 points, said after her solo win.

"Both my coach and I liked the song," a Muse cover of Feeling Good, by Nina Simone, Bourdreau-Gagnon said. "We thought it was a little bit emotional and that was what I was trying to express."

Randall finished with 90.000 points and Smith with 80.084 in the solo.

"I think it went really really well," Randall said. "I got some great marks. It's a fantastic pool to perform in and I am really pleased."

Smith was eligible to compete for England, but chose Scotland instead.

"I really wanted to compete for Scotland for my dad, who is from Glasgow," Smith said.

She also took exception to the endless jokes about her sport.

"People take the mickey out of us because of the makeup we wear, but it's a really hard sport," Smith said. "It may look easy, but you try it."

India was last in both events. The country has seven registered synchronized swimmers. Canada has more than 30,000.