MONTREAL - Benoit Huot is a rising star in an underwater career.

The World Champion in paralympic swimming will be going to London to compete in the Paralympic Games from August 29 to Sept. 9, 2012.

"When I dive in a competition, I really feel like I'm in my zone. I know what I'm doing," said Huot.

Born with a club foot, Huot started swimming competitively at age 10, challenging and making the podium against able-bodied swimmers.

As he got older and realized a career in -- what else? hockey -- wasn't possible, swimming became his life.

"Everything that I do in a 24-hour day is about the performance, just try to swim as fast as possible," said Huot.

In addition to time in the pool, Huot spends hours training and stretching. One of his legs is short, and the foot is twisted -- meaning it just is not as flexible as the other.

His coach Alain Delorme spends a lot of time working on that weak spot.

"He's got a lot of stiffness in that right leg that is taking away the kind of functional flexibility that we're looking for when its time to push and its time to kick with efficiency," said Delorme.

But what about life after the pool? With playing in the NHL out, Huot thinks covering hockey from the sidelines could be interesting.

Given his willingness to dive right in, it seemed only natural for CTV to give Huot a chance to perform as well in studio as he does in the pool.

After a shave, professional makeup, and practice reading the TelePrompTer, Huot sat down in the CTV Montreal studios for an experience to remember, and a nice addition to his demo reel.

It's no medal, but it may help as he continues with his Communication Studies degree at UQAM.

Back in the water Huot is training hard, but says his goal in London is not to win a medal, but simply to focus on achieving his personal best.

"Here's to a good performance in London."