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Trudeau says progressive leaders aren't reaching their base like the right


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says progressive politicians need to do a better job bridging their lofty aspirations with people's day-to-day struggles in order to counter the right wing.

He made the comments today while participating in a panel at the Progress Action Summit in Montreal. Other panel participants included Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin.

Trudeau said progressives need to make the case that their ideals, such as an inclusive economy and fighting climate change, can also provide solutions to issues facing everyday households.

Trudeau said those on the right wing of the political spectrum are able to attract followers by amplifying their anxieties and use disagreements about identity issues to undermine progressive messaging.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, takes part in a leaders panel discussion with, from left, Jacinda Ardern, Former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jonas Gahr Store, Prime Minister of Norway and Sanna Marin, Former Prime Minister of Finland, at the Global Progress Action Summit in Montreal, Saturday, September 16, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

He says leaders must make people feel that progressive policies work and restore optimism in the future.

Støre agreed, warning the progressive movement will die if it cannot maintain an optimistic vision.

-- This report by The Canadian Press was first published by The Canadian Press on Sept. 16, 2023 Top Stories

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