The largest and most complex hospital move in Canadian history went off without a hitch.

Even as patients, staff and equipment were heading from the Royal Victoria Hospital on Mount Royal to the new location at the Glen Yards, the first baby born arrived early Sunday morning.

Arthur Perreault was born Sunday morning to happy parents.

Weighing in at 3.6 kg, Arthur was born at 6:55 a.m. and he and his mother were discharged from the Royal Vic on Monday morning.

The hospital's operating room has also seen its first operation as an emergency appendectomy was performed.

The Royal Vic is trying to limit itself to emergency surgeries and procedures until it gets fully operational, which will come as more new patients arrive in the weeks to come.

Construction at the Royal Vic is not yet complete, with some work still to be done, notably the siding on the building's exterior.

"There is still some work, like doors that don't open on the right side, cabinets that need to be moved around or displayed differently, so this is the kind of work that you will see going into the next few months," said Richard Fahey, spokesperson for the hospital.

Regardless, hospital officials say the move on Sunday was easier than they anticipated, thanks in part to the two years of preparation, and discharging patients before moving day if they did not require hospitalization.

Fahey also said that future patients should not have any problems getting the attention and care they need.

"From a clinical point of view which is our focus we can ensure that patient safety is protected."