Raise your hand and keep it up proudly if this was your prediction for Carey Price and the Habs this season. Make a comment underneath this blog and state why you actually believed this was possible.

Because if you saw four shutouts in the Habs first 20 games of the season to equal the amount of shutouts in his entire career, then you my friend are a hockey genius.

Why, even if you saw Price with one win less than the entire season last year in the first 20 games this year, write your comment why in the space allotted you.

I did not see this coming at all in any way. My only consolation is that I am not alone.

This is simply a remarkable story.

However, this is not just a story of puck stopping. This is a story of how someone faced adversity, suffered hardship, got knocked down a peg or five, failed at every turn, got booed, got replaced, couldn't win, fired pucks at opponents, broke sticks, slammed boards, blamed his D, stink eyed his forwards, and somehow came out the other side a much better man.

Jacques Martin said it very well after the win describing Price as a man who couldn't have known that everything that he had to go through was a good thing for him. He described Price using words like composure, growth, and maturity. Last season when Price did play well, Martin refused to send praise his way. He just would not do it. I felt and I have no proof that Martin would not risk swelling the head of a player that he didn't think he could keep grounded as it was.

This year there are no such concerns. As much as Price is impressing with these awesome numbers like two straight weeks with a goals against average of one, it is the comments after the game that make me feel that it will continue. Price said Saturday that he wasn't going to take anything for granted and he was gonna keep working hard. He said these are team wins and the shutouts are happening because the defence in front of him is so desperate to clear the puck.

I don't know what they did to the Price of last year, but he is gone.

He is deflecting pucks on the ice and just as skillfully he is deflecting praise off it.

It is a revelation.

Price joined some elite company with the win over the Leafs. The last time Toronto was shutout by the Habs in Montreal was November 12, 1977. That is not a typo. 33 years between shutouts as Ken Dryden was the last goalie to do it.

As amazing as Price has been, that is the stat of the night.

Price will have the Molson Cup won by Christmas at this rate. Each fan in the reds will have his own puck since Carey is coming out so often as a first star and throwing memories into the stands.

Now leave your comments, if it moves you. He is certainly moving me, as a goalie and a man. I could not be more impressed by the transformation on all fronts.

Even if you did see this coming, I have to imagine that you are brimming with pride for the faith you had.

He has restored my faith and made me see that men do change. They do grow. They can rise up.

Now, if he could only grow a mustache.