About 100 people gathered Sunday at Henri-Bourassa Park in Montreal North to mark the second anniversary of Fredy Villanueva's death.

Villanueva, 18 at the time of his death, was shot in the park on Aug. 9, 2008 by Montreal police officer Jean-Loup Lapointe. The incident ignited a riot in Montreal North. An inquest into the teenager's shooting death is on hiatus and resumes next month.

The memorial of his death was commemorated with several events, including the march, which began at 4:30 p.m. Villanueva's family was on hand to observe the day.

Some residents in Montreal North have planned to symbolically change the name of Henri-Bourassa Park to Fredy-Villanueva Park, in support of preserving the teenager's memory.

"We want people to remember Fredy Villanueva. We want to honour his memory and we want such an event, such a tragedy, never happens again," said Alexandre Popovic from the Coalition Against Repression and Police Abuse.

Police were prepared with a presence near the march and were informed of the route organizers plan to take, said Montreal police Sgt. Ian Lafreniere.

Hoodstock, an annual community event featuring panel discussions on racial profiling, the G20 protest and the Villanueva inquiry began at 11 a.m. and featured performances from rappers, poets and singers.