It has been a few days now and all of the so-called experts have been going over the entrails of the U.S. Election this week.

Tuesday night was a stunner for the ages.

Simply put Clinton did not get her vote out and Trump did, particularly in the states where he needed to perform.

His white rural vote came through in huge numbers, while 7 million fewer voters turned out than four years ago.

The Democrats have plenty of blame to go around for handing the keys to someone who should have able to sweep Trump to dustbins of history.

We have many reasons to be fearful without being smug as our core Canadian values seem so out of sync with what the Americans may be in for.

There is so much uncertainty.

A Supreme Court that will take a sharp turn right. A new international order with Russia playing a bigger and uncertain role. Climate change denial. Isolationism in trade. Wall-building.

The more we examine what happened the more we find some unsettling truths.

His behaviour, particularly toward women and minorities, did not matter to his voters.

He was the agent of change: the rest was unimportant.

No matter how much the Liberal-leaning media tried to make it about character and judgment, his core supporters did not care, and even saw the media as part of the problem.

It was war against the connected class.

Making America great again was the perfect sales pitch to a wanting audience.

Secondly, what is even more alarming is that the facts no longer matter.

Lies and untruths were of no consequence in this election.

It doesn't matter that Trump is unqualified.

He could say anything and he did.

Common decency doesn't matter.

All of this will be the legacy of this campaign.

Churchill said the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

His point was proven this week.

Nobody told me there would be days like this. Strange days indeed.

Remembrance day

We must always remember because if we do not the sacrifices made by so many will be meaningless.

From the first World War to Afghanistan, more than 100,000 Canadians have given their lives in the defence of our freedom.

It was May 21, 1939, at the inauguration of the National War Memorial in Ottawa where King George VI uttered these immortal words: without freedom there can be no enduring peace, and without peace no enduring freedom.

During these troubled times it is important to remind ourselves about what so many gave so we can live in this precious country.

The world looks to Canada for so much.

Let's never forget that, especially with what may be to come from south of the border.

Canada, while not perfect by any means, is a land of goodwill, of fair play, and of compassion.

On this Remembrance Day and every Remembrance Day to come, day we honour those who gave their everything, for what we have is because of them.

Lest we forget.