Consumer Reports magazine has a warning about the potential damage that everyday devices can do to your hearing.

The American consumer watchdog found that even everyday noises can be loud enough to do damage over time.

People often make the problem worse by cranking up their mp3 players to drown out ambient noise.

Recent studies show some high school students listen to their players at levels of 91 decibels or higher for an average of 2.9 hours a day.

That's equivalent to the sound of a lawnmower.

Researchers say that listening to any sound at 85 decibels or higher for a prolonged period of time can cause permanent damage to hearing.


Consumer Reports has tips to protect your hearing.

  • Use the volume limiter on your mp3 player or keep the volume below the maximum
  • For daily tasks, consider ear protection such as foam ear plugs, which are inexpensive
  • Use ear protection properly.