Construction began early Monday morning to improve Acadie Circle.

The traffic interchange was rebuilt a decade ago but without proper water collection areas, leading to at least five major floods and countless smaller ones in the neighbourhood.

Residents of the New Bordeaux area have been demanding something be done to correct the issue since the work was first done in 2004, and they are finally getting their way.

Construction crews from Pavage Chenail will install a subterranean water retention basin so that sewers in the area can handle heavy rainfall without homes being flooded.

The project is expected to take three months and cost just over $2 million.

During construction of the water retention basin several ramps and exits in the region will be closed. They include:

  • Exit 71 on Highway 40 Eastbound
  • Access to the Circle from the service road north of the Rockland Centre
  • The ramp to Highway 15 North and Acadie North

At night, the South service road that runs from Rockland Rd. and bypasses the Circle will be closed.

Drivers heading north or south on Acadie will be able to do so at all times.