Congregants of a Haitian church in Riviere des Prairies are trying to understand why someone set fire to their house of worship on Good Friday.

Pastor Felix Simon of the Assemblée Chretienne RDP said he does not know of any reason his church was attacked on this holiest of weekends in the Christian faith.

"We have never had any problems, and we get along with everyone," said Simon.

He held back tears when discussing the fire being set on Easter.

"This is what was really hit us because we never expected this on the eve of Easter. We never expected this," said Simon.

"This is someone who wanted to strike at our heart."

Firefighters rushed to the building on RDP Blvd. at 3:15 a.m. to put out the flames and smoke.

Once the fire was out and they started searching for a cause, they found two locations where someone had started fires.

A building behind the church had been set on fire, and someone had broken a window and spread flammable liquid inside the church.

Daniel Lacoursiere said arson investigators spent the morning at the church.

"I was talking to the Lt-Detective of the arson squad. Detectives are presently on scene analyzing the scene to try and determine the sequence of events," said the police officer.

While the arson squad worked, the pastor and those who use the church gathered to console each other.

One congregant said she knew God would punish those responsible.

"I don't know how it happened, but God saw who did this," she said.

"We were supposed to have a meeting today, and the boiling and decorating (of eggs), and this evening have the ceremonial washing of feet, and on Sunday, Easter Sunday, wash away our sins," said Simon.

Simon said the church was formed 25 years ago, and thanks to donations from members was able to buy its current location. At this point, he had no idea what he and worshippers would do until the damage is repaired.

Councillor Frantz Benjamin said thecity of Montreal would provide help.

"For us, for the Haitian community and especially for the Christian community it's a real tragedy knowing it's the passover weekend, and those people who are here for at least 20 years... they are here peacefully, they are Christians who come here to pray," said Benjamin.

About 125 people belong to the Assemblée Chretienne.

Damage to the building is estimated at $150,000.