MONTREAL -- Environment Canada issued a smog warning again on Saturday for Montreal, Laval and the surrounding areas.

"High concentration of pollutants are expected and will result in poor air quality, especially in urban areas were pollutant emissions are higher," the warning reads.

The concentration of smog began Friday and may remain until Sunday.

Environment Canada recommends that asthmatic children and those with respiratory conditions or heart disease avoid intense physical outdoor activity until the warning lift.

To improve air quality, Environment Canada recommends the following:

  • limit fireplace and wood-burning stove use
  • use public transit
  • reduce driving speed
  • do not let vehicle engines idle

"In Quebec, wood heating is the main source of fine particles that contribute to smog during winter," the ministry's warning reads. "This activity generates the largest number of these particulates, more than industrial activities and transportation." 

The ministry's Info-Smog webpage has more information on how air quality forecasts are made, smog warnings and advice for improving air quality.

Info-Smog map of Quebec