Quebec Solidaire presented its plan to improve integration for immigrants and visible minorities on Sunday, with party officials saying more of whom should be working in public service.

Party spokesperson Manon Massé and MNA Amir Khadir presented their four-part policy at a news conference while surrounded by a diverse roster of party members. 

"We've got to get going on inclusion, in job recognition, in diploma recognition," said Khadir.

To that end, the party first wants to force public services to hire more minorities. 

In the long run, Quebec Solidaire would like to see 18 per cent of public servants from cultural communities, and 13 per cent from visible minorities. 

The party also plans to create reception centers for refugees or asylum seekers where they would be welcomed and directed to resources.

Spread throughout Quebec, these centers would also encourage settlement in other regions of the province. 

Emphasis would also be on education and learning the French language. 

Massé also said during the conference that she encourages her political counterparts to nominate more candidates from cultural communities. 

So far, 17 per cent of the party's makeup consists of "diverse" members.

While the Liberal Party has pushed its own diversity programs, courting non-Francophones and other minorities for jobs in the public sector, and the Montreal police and fire departments have also recently announced their own initiatives, Centre for Research Action on Race Relations Director Fo Niemi said more needs to be done.

"There's a lot of push in talk, but in terms of concrete action, not sure about that," he said. "When it comes to racial and ethnic inclusion and diversity, there's still a lot of talk and there's no action, there's no accountability for inaction."