MONTREAL -- Quebec reported Sunday that 3,846 more people have tested positive for COVID-19, and hospitalizations in the province have risen by 29.

The number of new cases tops the record set on Friday when 3,768 infections were reported. 

The new cases were found among 45,493 samples analyzed, bringing the positive rate to just under one-in-ten (9.9 per cent).

Over 65 per cent of the new infections (2,530) were found in those who had been double-vaccinated or received their dose more than a week prior, and 1,131 people who tested positive were unvaccinated or received one dose less than 14 days prior. The remaining 185 people received one dose more than two weeks prior.

Quebec says 1,731,509 people are unvaccinated, while 6,459,953 are double-vaxxed, meaning you are 2.1 times more likely to test positive for the virus if you are unvaccinated. 

Of the 59 patients, who checked into Quebec hospitals for treatment, 35 were unvaccinated or received one dose less than 14 days prior, three received one dose of vaccine more than two weeks prior and 21 patients were double-vaccinated more than a week prior to check in. Thirty-nine patients checked out of the hospital after receiving treatment. 

Those non-vaccinated are 14.6 times more likely to wind up in the hospital than those who have been double-vaccinated, the ministry says.

There are now 79 people in intensive care wards, an increase of five.

There were three new deaths reported due to the novel coronavirus.

There are currently 1,353 active COVID-19 outbreaks, 31 more than on Saturday.