Although Premier Pauline Marois has asserted that her government is the first in 10 years to control its spending, a new report from the Ministry of Finance reveals that the Quebec deficit continues to climb.

According to financial documents made public Friday, the province’s deficit as of July 31 was $2.3 billion.

Nine months earlier, in September 2012, the deficit sat at $1.8 billion,

In the first four months of the fiscal year, program spending increased by 4.3 percent.

The financial document states that, “the most significant changes are in the Health and Social Services ($303 million) and Education and Culture ($445 million).”

The expenses include $242 million that went towards university funding.

In March 2013, Finance Minister Nicolas Marceau forecasted a balanced budget for 2013-2014.

Another update economic and fiscal update must be submitted in the fall.