Police in Longueuil returned to the home where a woman and her son were last seen three years ago but aren't disclosing what they found. 

Jian Ping Li and her six-month-old infant disappeared on April 30, 2014, but police have always thought the disapparence was odd since she left her credit cards and car keys at home.

Friday's search was based on new information police obtained after bringing more public attention to the case earlier this month, when they set up a command post on the street outside the house.

Officer Jean-Pierre Voutsinos would not say what tips police received, but said the search was for information that would back up one of the tips.

The search is unusual because it involves dogs from the Ontario Provincial Police.

"These dogs possess specific skills which our dogs do not possess," said Voutsinos.

But when pressed as to what those skills are, Voutsinos would not say.

"I can't go into those details unfortunately to make sure that we don't do anyhting wrong with the investigation," he said.

"We're not closing any doors in this investigation but at this point it's still considered a disappearance."

CTV News later learned the OPP dogs are trained specifically to search for cadavers, unlike canine units from the SPVM and the Sureté du Quebec.

An anonymous donor has offered $20,000 reward to find Li and her child.

Police have also said that Li's husband, Hong Hui Lu, has always co-operated with the investigation including taking a polygraph test, but that his girlfriend has refused.