The MUHC is banning smoking and vaping on hospital grounds in a policy that will be phased in over the coming months at all hospitals under its jurisdiction.

As the policy begins at each location there will be temporary outdoor smoking areas set up in order to ease the transition.

However the MUHC says once the shelters are removed, smoking and vaping anywhere on hospital grounds will not be permitted.

It is asking all staff to take part in enforcing the policy, which will apply to staff, patients, and visitors.

The policy comes into effect in two weeks at the superhospital, and will apply to all MUHC hospitals by May of next year. The dates and locations follow:

  • Nov. 1, 2015: Glen site
  • Jan. 4, 2016: Montreal General Hospital
  • March 1, 2016: Montreal Neurological Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute
  • May 2, 2016: Lachine Hospital and Camille-Lefebvre Pavilion 

Smoking kills 37,000 Canadians every year, and is linked to 30 percent of all deaths from cancer.

In a statement Normand Rinfret, the CEO of the MUHC, said allowing smoking on hospital grounds goes against the very notion of providing healthcare.