More than a thousand people demonstrated Saturday in the streets of Montreal to demand Health Minister Gaetan Barrette's resignation.

The march, organized by Quebec Solidaire, brought together several party activists and also citizens who challenge the reforms put forward by Barrette since coming into office in 2014.

The demonstrators chanted slogans such as "Dehors Barrette" ("Out Barrette") and "Solidaires pour la santé, for real equality."

With a hint of humor, they also urged the minister to find a job in the North '- referring to a joke made by former Premier Jean Charest during the 2012 student crisis.

Marchers swarmed the streets of the Quartier Latin and headed to Premier Philippe Couillard's downtown office, where they symbolically presented a copy of the petition calling for Barrette's resignation. According to the organizers, it had garnered approximately 54,000 signatures.

Some marchers hoped that this event, at the very least, would raise the Premier's awareness of the public outcry, even if Barrette is not ultimately ousted.

According to MP Amir Khadir, it is urgent that Minister Barrette step down under the circumstances, adding that Couillard now has six months before the next election to "correct" the situation.