Quebec Liberal MNA Marwah Rizqy says she's 'torn' about her party's leadership, and said she wants to put her family first.

"I'm definitely torn. I won't lie to you, I'm torn. There's a part of me that feels ready. I always feel like taking the plunge. Come on, I'm a runner. I'm definitely tempted," she said during a press scrum at the Quebec legislature.

"But I have to call myself to order," she added.

It's no secret that Rizqy wants to have a second child and has already indicated on several occasions that this is her priority.

However, it seems that many Liberals would like to see Rizqy step forward to succeed Dominique Anglade.

MNAs André Fortin and Monsef Derraji, as well as interim leader Marc Tanguay, have all already stated that they will not seek the leadership of the Quebec Liberal Party.

Officially, there are no candidates currently in the running. Marguerite-Bourgeoys MNA Frédéric Beauchemin and federal Liberal MP Joël Lightbound are under consideration.

The Quebec Liberal Party held its pre-sessional caucus last week. Rizqy's absence from the event was noted, but the interim leader declined to comment on that.

- This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on Sept. 12, 2023