LAC-MEGANTIC - Lac-Megantic is preparing to mark the sad anniversary of the rail disaster of July 6, which claimed 47 lives.

On the religious front, two masses will be celebrated on July 6 at St. Agnes Church.

The first, called Mass Comfort, will take place at midnight, on the night of July 5 to 6. The tragedy occurred shortly after 1 a.m. that morning.

The second, a memorial service, will be held at 11 a.m. on July 6.

Parish priest Steve Lemay told The Canadian Press that the two ceremonies will be a sober moment to promote contemplation, meeting the wishes of the Lac-Mégantic community. The ceremonies have been planned since Christmas, he said.

Father Lemay said St. Agnes Church will be the main memorial site, since it has become ‘the image of the city’, since several gatherings took place there.

An outdoor walk is also expected early in the evening on July 6, to remember the victims.