A fatal hit-and-run trial can last two, three or four agonizing years before completion.

That's why one family is relieved to hear that their loved one killed in Laval in September could have justice by the end of this month.

Robert Belanger was in court Monday to commence what might have been a long trial on allegations that his driving led to the death of Rania Mansourian.

But Belanger's lawyer asked for a delay to examine the possibility of a plea bargain, which in all likelihood, could lead to a guilty plea.

The victim's aunt, Marie Tatanzian says that tragedy and subsequent legal case has preoccupied her entire family.

"Every single occasion we talk about her case, not only when we come to court and listen. We always talk about the case," she told CTV Montreal.

The case could be concluded by April 21 when it will be back in court.