The best moments for the fans are the ones that are totally unexpected.

The playoff run last year comes to mind of course. The win over the Bruins has to come to mind as well.

Obviously not in the same category of significance, but important as well.

Two points in the standings but worth a lot more in the confidence category.

With the team scoring just nine times in their last six games before Boston's visit, there was no reason to believe watching the 57th minute that anything special was going to start happening in the 58th minute, but it certainly did.

This team keeps finding ways in the face of increasingly longer odds. Markov gone. They keep pressing on. Gorges gone. No matter. They'll find a way. Cammalleri out with the flu down two goals. Don't worry. The fight continues.

What a number of excellent plays to conclude the game for the Habs to get it done and a number of Bruins errors too.

Firstly, the powerplay that led to the first goal was attained when Michael Ryder got a penalty 160 feet from danger and a whole heap of teammates separating any listless Habs attack from the Bruins goal. A very dumb penalty from Ryder. A Chara deflection to fool Thomas was pure chance.

Another moment of good fortune was an empty net shot missing by two inches to create icing to keep the game alive.

After that though, the Habs created their own breaks with smart play. Wisniewski on the tying marker made a smart decision to fake the shot and freeze Thornton. Then miss the net on purpose so the puck could go deep where it deflected off the smallest man with the biggest heart in the most dangerous areas Brian Gionta.

On the overtime winner, Desharnais went to the net and Pacioretty ripped a high one for what he called the best moment of his Habs career.

Pacioretty celebrated by pushing a giant in the back to set off an obviously short Chara fuse.

That's in the history books already, though Scott Gomez might disagree after getting punched in the face.

The Habs gave the fans one of their best moments of the year - a comeback completely unexpected.