The generosity of strangers led to an emotional reunion on Tuesday evening between a dog and the family of his deceased owner.

Fred was found lying by Cyril Roy's side when the Quebec man died of heart failure in his trailer in Nanaimo, B.C on Nov. 30. The loyal dog had stayed by his master's side for three days.

Roy's family has been trying to bring the dog home ever since.

Fred arrived in Montreal after five days aboard a Via train from Vancouver.

About 20 people, including five of Roy's sisters, greeted the white Kugsha dog at Central Station.

"He's not just a dog, he is family," Lynda Roy told CTV's Caroline Van Vlaardingen at Central Station.

"We consider that if he was a two-legged child- we would have done the very same thing ... he is definitely more than a dog for us.

Samaritans help out

Montrealers decided to help after finding out about the dog's plight through a newspaper article.

Dog lover Frank Palumbo, who owns a freight forwarding company, flew his wife Melanie and her friend out to B.C. to accompany Fred back to Montreal.

"That dog is a sibling that they never really had," said Palumbo.

"For me it's just - let's see what we can try to do and it worked out."

Fred is off now to Alexandria Ontario where he will live with another sister of Cyril's who is a breeder of white German shepherds.

With Fred's colour and easy-going character, he should fit right in with his new family.