The trial of terrorism suspect Said Namouh was shown a jihadist propaganda video Thursday that depicted a helicopter being shot down, car bombs exploding and people being murdered in the street.

Rita Katz, an international expert on internet extremism, analyzed the videos at the trial of Moroccan national Said Namouh, 36, who is accused of helping to distribute terrorist material over the internet.

The propaganda videos were allegedly uploaded by Namouh from the website of the Global Islamic Media Front, or GIMF.  GIMF has been described as al-Qaida's media wing, which serves as a clearinghouse for terrorism activities and propaganda for jihadists around the world.

Top Ten

The video shown Thursday, called called the jihad top ten, featured terrorists proudly showing off their most popular moments.  One clip, set to upbeat music, showed a U.S. helicopter crashing after it was shot down.  The pilot was seen running for his life before terrorists caught up with him and shot him to death at close range.

The Crown says the video shown in court was put together by Namouh - a charge the defense denies.

Heavy security

Katz, the terrorism expert, is an Iranian-born Jew who runs a think-tank that monitors the activities of muslim extremists all around the world. Her work has made her the frequent target of death threats, and she testified under heavy security Thursday at the Montreal courthouse.  The courtroom was packed with plainclothes RCMP officers who prevented anyone from getting close to Katz or even getting images of her.

Namouh was arrested last year in his home in Maskinonge, near Trois-Rivieres. He faces charges including conspiracy, participating in a terrorist act, facilitating such an act and committing extortion for a terrorist group.

With files from The Canadian Press