Montreal Impact striker Didier Drogba is suing England's Daily Mail newspaper.

A report in the Daily Mail claims Drogba's charitable foundation provides very little money to its intended beneficiaries.

According to the newspaper, Drogba's foundation has collected 1.7 million pounds (C$3.08 million) in charitable donations, but only 14,115 pounds (C$25,592) were used to help poor children in Drogba's Ivory Coast.

In a statement, Drogba, who used to play soccer for Chelsea, said the Daily Mail's report is false and libellous, and he has begun legal proceedings against the newspaper.

"The Daily Mail by such irresponsible journalism are jeopardizing the lives of many thousands of African children," wrote Drogba.

"By printing these lies, the Daily Mail is trying to stop Africa's development."

The goal of the Drogba Foundation is to build a hospital in the Ivory Coast, and to educate children.

Drogba used his celebrity status to collect donations from Bono, Roger Federer, David Beckham and many other British celebrities, but the the Daily Mail reports that 439,321 pounds (C$800,000) was spent on fundraising parties.

The rest of the money was supposedly left in bank accounts.

Drogba said that the foundation has built a medical clinic, and a mobile clinic, along with supporting orphanages.

The U.K.'s Charity Commission has begun an investigation into the Drogba Foundation based on the Daily Mail report.