BLAINVILLE - Waitress Linda Bonnette, 50, was killed on the morning of June 24 in Blainville and police are hoping that someone can pin an identity on a Chevy Cavalier that was seen near the scene of the crime.

Bonnette, who had no criminal history, is believed to have been attacked by a thief with an eye on the cash she was carrying out at closing time from the Viva Las Vegas Bar in a strip mall on Cure-Labelle Boulevard, north of Montreal.

“The main hypothesis working for the investigators is that she was probably robbed by the two people, by the one or more people who were on the scene that morning,” said SQ representative Benoit Richard.

The Chevrolet Cavalier in question is described as being a model from between 2000 and 2002, painted in a champagne colour.

It is a four-door sedan and was spotted on Cure-Labelle between three and four a.m. that morning, as well as on Michel Bohec St. between four and five a.m.