MONTREAL -- Those looking for a pick-me-up during these anxious times may want to steer clear of the forecast for the Montreal area for the coming days - or even the rest of this story really.

Environment Canada is calling for a chance of snow on Friday night and Saturday, as a low of -1C is in the forecast, the same low that is expected on Sunday and Monday nights as well.

That precipitation may wind up just being rain, which we can also expect a lot of in the next few days: it's forecast intermittently from Thursday night through Sunday morning.

If one is looking for a bright side, it's that daytime highs will remain in the low teens from Monday through Wednesday, with mainly sunny skies in the forecast.

The culprit for the unseasonably cold weather is a polar vortex expected to hit parts of Quebec and Ontario, including our neighbours down the 417 in Ottawa.

*Please note the photo with this story is for illustrative purposes only and not a depiction of what is expected. At least we hope not.*