First-year students getting their bearings and returning students alike flooded the halls of Quebec’s largest English-language CEGEP Monday.

It was the first day of school at Dawson CEGEP.

With 8,100 daytime students enrolled, the logistics of first day back can be a challenge, said Dan Boyer, the coordinator of student services.

“They're scrambling around a bit today getting their ID cards and trying to figure out where they are in the building and their agenda books and that sort of thing,” he said.

On top of that, students are also dealing with the first day of classes, as well as getting their lists of required books and materials.

“They're coming in to a place that's completely foreign to them and there is a big adjustment period, but student services as a whole are here to make them feel comfortable in their new environment,” said Boyer.

Simple things like renting a locker for the year, figuring out class schedules and even finding the classroom can be overwhelming for some.

“The first day, first week, two weeks, it's like, it's crazy, like there are people everywhere,” said second-year commerce student Patrick Quinn.

The English-language CEGEP has a sizeable francophone student population at roughly 30 per cent. Dardan Isufi is one of those students, who came from Granby to attend the school.

He said his friends thought he was crazy.

“Why are you doing this? Why don't you go to a French CEGEP? Why not Vieux Montreal or Andre Laurendeau? Just a new experience and life is short so I want to try new things,” he said.

Things should settle down very quickly, said Boyer.

“Day one, two or three are busy, busy, busy and then after this week the students know where they're going, they've figured out the buildings and they're able to go where they need to be,” he said.

At that point, the main thing the students will need to worry about – is their grades.