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Desjardins apologizes for using Canada flag in Patriots' Day poster

Desjardins Group. (LA PRESSE CANADIENNE/Ryan Remiorz) Desjardins Group. (LA PRESSE CANADIENNE/Ryan Remiorz)

Desjardins Group has offered its "sincerest apologies" after some locations displayed a poster showing a Canadian flag to mark National Patriots' Day.

In a message published Monday evening on its Facebook page, Desjardins apologized to "all those who were offended by the poster."

"In addition to the measures taken over the weekend, we can confirm that further meetings will follow to ensure that this unacceptable situation does not happen again," the institution said.

Criticisms arose online over the weekend when several people complained about the poster, which was used to inform customers that their branch would be closed on Monday for the holiday.

The poster featured a man carrying a Canadian flag on his back.

Quebec Culture Minister Mathieu Lacombe called the image "inappropriate."

"It shows a lack of understanding of the significance of National Patriots' Day," he wrote on X on Saturday.

Prior to Desjardin's apology, Parti Québécois (PQ) Leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon accused the financial institution of being nonchalant and not taking the situation seriously.

He called on management to take action.

Desjardins Group said on Monday evening that the situation was the result of an initiative taken by certain caisses without its approval.

"As early as Saturday morning, we asked all caisses to check whether they had used this unauthorized poster, and if so, to remove it," Desjardins reiterated.

-- This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on May 21, 2024. Top Stories

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