A blockbuster report had some discouraging news about widespread sexual misconduct in the Canadian military and now the quest to solve the problem has kicked into high gear.

Leading the battle against a long-time endemic issue is no small task but Major General Chris Whitecross said that victims need to feel comfortable coming forward.

“We have to create the climate where our military men and women feel free to speak and have the confidence to speak to their chain of command,” she told CTV Montreal Monday in St. Jean as she visited the base on a cross-Canada tour.

“I joined in the 1980s and it wasn't uncommon to hear off-colour jokes or be the brunt of comments or to feel uncomfortable in the work environment. I can honestly say it was tolerated then, it isn't tolerated anymore," she said.

Whitecross concedes that there is still a lot or room for improvement, however.

"We've definitely had a change in the last 33 years, the military of today is far different. We haven't gone far enough. My job is to take us further and to increase the rate of change we've had in the past,” she said.